Wooden Venetian Blinds
What blinds are in style now?
by admin- 2021-12-28 10:53:10

Austrian curtains are relatively popular new curtains in modern times, with chic fancy patterns and textures, which are very suitable for home dressing with a woman owner. It can be made into a largevertical curtainto create a romantic and warm indoor atmosphere, and is especially suitable for installation in bay windows.

Its manufacturing should first confirm the width and height, and then estimate the number and scale of the water waves, and then cut the material, it is recommended to use 2.5 times. Water wave shape requires wave processing, and the interval scale of wave waves is not fixed, generally around 30cm. Personally, I think it is a wavelet or a big wave is pleasing to the eye. Adjust it according to the situation, and calculate according to the width of the window of the device whenmanufacturing. , And then manufactured according to a reasonable share, the small wave interval should be correspondingly smaller, and vice versa.

Please contact me to learn more:

Sales: Grace Lin

Guangzhou J.S.L Technology co., Ltd


Wechat: m8866ok

Cell/WhatsApp: 0086 13922497973

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